Thriving cultures are born from the interweaving of diverse, motivated staff who are equipped to succeed and empowered to grow.

Let’s face it: today’s employees are “paid volunteers.” When their career needs are ignored, they vote with their feet. And that has huge implications for the bottom line. Talented staff should be continually engaged and groomed for the leadership pipeline. And that’s especially true for diverse staff who often don’t see the top rung of the ladder.

Dr. Cherise Cole
Dr. Cherise Cole

Next Accension is an employee engagement consulting firm that operates from a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) lens, aiming to help organizations create a motivated, productive, and satisfied workforce by providing comprehensive employee engagement strategies, assessments, training, and support. We believe that engaged employees are the driving force behind business success and that organizations that prioritize employee well-being and satisfaction will reap significant benefits.

Next Accension was founded by its Chief Engagement Officer, Dr. Cherise Cole, who has a passion for accelerating access to executive leadership roles for underrepresented employee populations-particularly black women. Her groundbreaking research on employee resource groups illuminated the need for employers to invest in their human resources and DEI efforts if they hope to achieve organizational equity and increase engagement.

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